The Wartime Kitchen

I recently had the pleasure of going through a pile of old photos with my father who was born in Marmora, Ontario in the 1930’s. We came across a photo of a Gas Ration Book which sparked memories from his childhood of his mother using her Ration Books to purchase...

Halloween Leftovers!

The scariest harvest of the year happened yesterday as some 4 million Canadian kids took to the streets and raked in their loot from more than 13 million homes that will participate in shelling out candy. These costume clad kids will return home and almost immediately...

Shake your Pumpkin Maker

One of the first plants to be cultivated by humans was gourds. Gourds were cultivated for use as a kitchen gadget; primarily as a vessel for carrying liquids. These unique varieties of the pumpkin family are inedible fruits classified as berries that when dried...