Press Release

Introducing Brian Henry

Smith Ward resident Brian Henry aka Chef Brian Henry has announced his candidacy for Selwyn Township’s upcoming municipal election for Smith Ward Councilor. Henry and his wife moved to Smith 16 years ago choosing a rural lifestyle to lay down their roots and have been raising their family here since. He also owns and operates the Angle Iron Kitchen in Lakefield.

As a Smith Ward resident, parent, business owner, post-secondary teacher and author, Henry believes” We have sustained a crisis of confidence on all political levels. To overcome this we all have a job to do by reinforcing the vision of our community, fulfilling our social responsibilities while establishing a sustainable approach to growing local business, residential development, maintaining Selwyn’s assets and infrastructure while mitigating the environmental impact of our actions and choices for our children and grandchildren.   

Henry grew up in Muskoka and spent a number of years travelling and working abroad. He holds a number of certifications in Business Management, Emergency and Incident Management, Disaster Management, Climate Change & Environmental Management, Agriculture & Food Security Management, Nutrition, Food Production from a variety of learning institutions like MTCU, Cornell University and the Humanitarian Academy – Harvard University. Henry has served the community as Lakefield Village Merchants Ice sculpting Competition founder and organizer, Member of Peterborough & the Kawarthas Chamber of Commerce, Co-Chairman Kawartha Choice Farm Fresh Committee, Peterborough & the Kawarthas  Chamber of Commerce Policy Committee member.

Authorized by Brian Henry Campaign